Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Salami Day

who celebrated Salami Day??

Sadly... not us. I couldn't bring myself to. I'm not a salami fan. :(

Tomorrow is International Literacy Day. now THERE's one I can get on board with!! :)

I want to know... what are some of your all time favorite books??

Post a comment letting me know and I will compile a list tomorrow on the blog of the books you guys think everybody should read... and I will have a list of my own too. Get to thinkin' about it cause I really do want to know!


1 comment:

  1. one of my favorite series of books are The Great and Terrible... Dasher like the Magic Tree House series, and Emmah is into anything girly and pink. We like, Catalina, Magdalina, Hoopensteiner, Hogan Logan bogan was her name. I know I missed a name... we just like to read!
