Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11th 2011


How cool is that??

How did you celebrate today??

In case you didn't know... today was "Cigarettes Are Hazardous To Your Health Day"

my lungs thank me for not smoking. Ever.

They didn't thank me, however, for spending time in the dusty basement helping hubby put up shelves.

*cough. hack. sneeze. repeat.*

Catching up...

January 8th was Bubble Bath Day and I wanted to share with you all my current favorite bubble bath...

Secret Wonderland, by Bath and Body Works. YUMMY!!

January 9th was Balloon Ascension Day and Positively Penguins Day. Does it count that my first grader is learning about penguins at school?? I had visions of going to get some balloons with helium in them and letting them go with my preschooler, and you know what? After some of this snow/ice clears up we may still do that! Better late than never!

January 10th was National Cut Your Energy Costs Day and National Clean Off Your Desk Day. Erm... I didn't do either. And believe you me, I've got a desk that needs cleaning off, but it's just so hard to do that when there's car hood sledding to participate in outside in the snow!


*** HEAD'S UP!!! ***

I couldn't find anything to celebrate for tomorrow, the 12th, but...

January 13th is Public Radio Broadcasting Day and Rubber Ducky Day
January 14th is Caesarean Section Day, Organize Your Home Day, and Dress Up Your Pet Day
January 15th is Bald Eagle Appreciation Day, and Miss America

and that finishes us up for this week

How are YOU going to celebrate??

Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore Day

I tried really hard to think of something today that I just wasn't going to take anymore...

... but it turns out I'm pretty content. I was really hoping some of you would leave hilarious comments of things that you just aren't going to take anymore... but alas, I'm stuck using my own imagination.

Oh wait... I did have one mini moment today. I mean... if we're being honest.

But how do I put this with some tact?? Aw heck. Lately my six year old boy has gotten into the habit of going to the bathroom without lifting up the seat... which then makes a mess, which OF COURSE he doesn't clean up. And today after being the next person in the bathroom after him and being the butt (no pun intended) of that mess...

I just wasn't going to take it anymore!!

For what I hope is the final time, I showed my six year old boy the correct way for a man to lift the seat to do his business.

So there... that's my story.

*** HEAD'S UP!!! ***

Tomorrow is Bubble Bath Day (this one I'll have no trouble with!!), National English Toffee Day, Fruitcake Toss Day, and Learn To Ski Day (I wish!)

I've got a bril idea! Eat your English Toffee while enjoying a bubble bath!

You can thank me later :)


Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th, 2011

Can you all believe it's 2011??

even more... can you believe I haven't blogged here in four months?? Shame on me! I'm really going to give it an honest effort to do this every day again.

That being said...

*** HEAD'S UP!!! ***

tomorrow is "I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore Day"

Have something that you just aren't going to take anymore?? Let go of it tomorrow!! Leave a comment and let me know what it is that you are not going to take anymore!! :)
