I didn't get that message from her until AFTER we'd already eaten lunch inside... and we tried a new diner in Sedalia tonight before Jason had to go to work, so we didn't eat supper outside either. Boooo. I dunno that I would have lasted long outdoors today anyway... it was a scorcher!
So, let's talk about tomorrow! =)
Tomorrow is:
Bison-ten Yell Day
Emma M. Nutt Day
National No Rhyme Nor Reason Day
Toy Tips Executive Toy Test Day
First of all... I bought some peanut M&M's today for emma m. nutt day. First things first, right??
I also purchased two new toys for me and the kids to test!! How much fun is that??
I got this:
(red for Levi, purple for Audrey, and of course... orange for me... my favorite color.)
they claim:
(never dries out?? hey I'm all for that!)
and I got this:
So, tomorrow we will test them out and we will let you know what we think.
How are YOU going to celebrate?
Let me know, and I'll put it on the blog.