Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Second-hand Wardrobe Day

Happy second-hand wardrobe day!

here's my first grader wearing his second-hand shorts on his first day of school:

As I type this, I'm wearing a t-shirt that I picked up at a thrift store somewhere. It says "Country Music Saved My Soul." It's too big for me, so I love to wear it to bed.

Today was also Kiss and Make up Day. I didn't have anyone I needed to make up with... but... when you have this guy around... you don't need excuses to kiss. ;)

Tomorrow is national dog day. I don't even know what this means. hot dogs? puppy dogs?

you decide!

how will YOU celebrate?



  1. In honor of National Dog Day, I am making pigs 'n blankets for our FRG meeting tonight!! :)
