My boy starts first grade tomorrow. This year, we are trying public school. I'm torn on this. I loooooove homeschooling, but living in such a small farm town, surrounded by other small farm towns, there's not much support for homeschoolers here without driving an hour and a half in any direction to a city. SO... at the end of last year, I took him in to the school here and had him tested and enrolled him. It was my first time meeting the elementary principal... and I bawled in her office.
This whole thing has had me reflecting on my first grade year. I don't remember much. I remember a little boy pooping in his pants, and that's about it.
but the important thing that I do remember... was my first grade teacher. My first grade teacher was by far my favorite teacher I ever had.
My first grade teacher...
... was my mom. :)
I went to a small Christian academy, and she was the ONLY first grade teacher. But... she still gets a kick out of me telling people that my favorite teacher was my first grade teacher.
love you, mom!
She did teach me some really important things in first grade... like: you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose... but you can't pick your friends nose.
trust me... that one's important.
Tomorrow is also Audrey's first day of her last year of preschool... and she's staying home with me this year. So, I'll still get to do some homeschooling. We are excited. With that... we will resume our daily celebrating. Isn't that the whole point of this blog?? We took the summer off... and it all starts back up tomorrow... which is "Kiss and Make Up Day" and "national Second-hand Wardrobe Day"... which works well for us because the shorts Levi is wearing on his first day are second-hand. Mama ain't scurred to thrift!
I will post pics tomorrow.
how are YOU going to celebrate??
Aww... I LOVE Mama Teague!! :) SO glad that you are back on the blogging bandwagon!! Missed ya!! Hope Levi had a great first day!! Love you!