Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19th 2010

So, I've got a lot to blog about! Hello!

April 14th...

was Audrey's 4th birthday!!

When she woke up, I made her her favorite breakfast... chocolate chip pancakes. She literally wore a birthday hat around ALL day! That afternoon, we sold some calves at a cattle auction, and the secretary there gave her a free cattle auction hat. When we got home, we had my in-laws over to have supper with us to celebrate. She requested her favorite meal of chicken and noodles. After supper, she opened her gifts and we all had ice cream.

chocolate chip pancakes:

Checking out the barn toy box that grandma and grandpa Schenewark made for her birthday:

April 15th was McDonald's Day, and Take a Wild Guess Day

we celebrated appropriately:

April 16th was High Five Day, and national Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day

we did give each other high fives (that I don't have pictures of). But I didn't stay in my pajamas all day. Does all morning count?

April 17th was Blah Blah Blah Day, Record Store Day, Ford Mustang Day, Teach Your Daughter to Volunteer Day... and Jason's favorite... Husband Appreciation Day.

we actually had Audrey's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese in Columbia on that day and oh my word was Jason a big help!!!! I did let him know all day how much I appreciate him. Seriously... I don't know how I'd manage without all of the help that he gives me. For pete's sake... he makes me a cup of coffee EVERY morning... and most of the time brings it to me in bed (unless we have somewhere to go and then he makes it for me in a insulated to-go cup.) and... he's making me a chicken coop... I have wild hair brained ideas and he makes them come to life.

I love you, Jason!!

Jason would have killed me if I'd tried to celebrate Ford Mustang Day... he's a die hard chevy fan. The man has a chevrolet tattoo on his shoulder and a dog named Chevy for pete's sake. When we recently got our chocolate lab puppy... we named her Cami... short for camero. It's bad. Real bad

moving on...

April 18th I couldn't find any holidays to celebrate... but it was my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday Mom!! What did we do yesterday? I'm trying to remember. We went mushroom hunting and only found two morel mushrooms. They were good fried up today with lunch though. Yum!

Which brings us to today...

April 19th. Today was national Hanging Out Day, and today was the Boston Marathon. Guess what we did today....

we hung out! We didn't have a place in the world to be. It felt so nice to stay home. And... I decided what better day to get SERIOUS about the half marathon I want to run, then on the day of the Boston Marathon?? So, I laced up my sneakers before supper tonight and went for a run. I have no excuses anymore... I've GOT to lose this weight and train for this marathon!!

Whew. That was a lot of catching up.

I'm going to give you all the rest of the holidays through the end of this week... so you all can celebrate with us, even if I don't get online every day

Tomorrow, April 20th is national Pot Smokers Day (Hey... to each his own... but I won't be celebrating tomorrow by lighting up, I can tell you that. I cherish my lungs and brain cells too much)

April 21st is Kindergarten Day, Secretary's Day, and national Chocolate Covered Cashews Day

April 22nd is Earth Day, and national Jelly Bean Day

April 23rd is Talk Like Shakespeare Day


April 24th is Arbor Day, Astronomy Day, national Rebuilding Day, Bulldogs are Beautiful Day, Interstate Mullet Toss Day, national Go Birding Day, Sense of Smell Day...

... and my baby boy's 6th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

6 seems so BIG!

How will YOU celebrate this week?

Email me pics!

1 comment:

  1. Where did you find all these days? I love reading your blogs. Also, this week is NATIONAL TURN OFF WEEK. Limit the amount of time you watch tv. Some families find this impossible, but families like ours shouldn't right? Keep up the great blogging!!!!
