Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11th 2010

** You all are going to have to bear with me for a week or two until I can get a new battery for my digital rebel. Until then I'm taking pics with Jason's Kodak EasyShare. yuck.

Today was Johnny Appleseed Day & Nametag Day

As part of school today, we read about Johnny Appleseed. Then, the kids and I went to our local Wal Mart and bought one of every kind of apple they had... and by local I mean to the nearest town with a Wal Mart since our small town doesn't have one. The selection wasn't bad though. We ended up with seven different kinds of apples. Levi's job was to listen to me read the PLU number off of every apple and then write down what type it was... so we weren't confused when we got home.

I love kindergartener handwriting! (nevermind the grocery list part. I'm a list maker!)

then after supper we set to taste testing our apples. Complete with bowls of caramel and chocolate for dipping.

(starting in the back going clockwise: Gala, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Fuji, Pink Lady, Braeburn)

The chocolate was a big hit. But then again... who doesn't like fruit dipped in chocolate?? Hello fondue! Pffft.

We did also wear name tags today. Some of us (ahem) took on characters of other people though.

***HEAD'S UP!!***

tomorrow is Girl Scout Day & Middle Name Pride Day.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! You're so creative Becky! So which apple was best?
