Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12th 2010

So who celebrated today with us? anyone? anyone? bueller?

Today was Girl Scout Day and Middle name Pride Day

Since Audrey's not old enough to be in girl scouts, we didn't celebrate that today here at our house. But my neice Jordan is in girl scouts and my sister-in-law Jana sent me this pic (thanks Jana!):

(Jordan is in 3rd grade brownies and will cross over to Juniors in May. Jana co-leads the group)

we DID celebrate middle name pride day here though!

you'll have to forgive the grease blot on Levi's. He was eating a piece of pizza while he celebrated. Boys! =)

Audrey actually comes from a long line of Elizabeth's.

My maternal grandma's middle name is Elizabeth. (mom, was her mom's middle name Elizabeth? I can't remember)

This is my beautiful grandma. One of the classiest women I know:

When she had my mom, she carried on the tradition of giving her daughter the middle name of Elizabeth.

This is my even more beautiful mom. The other classiest woman I know:

mom carried on the tradition with me.

Here's me:

...and I carried on the tradition with Audrey.

my beautiful baby girl:

I'm pretty proud of our middle name!

Wouldn't you be if you shared it with these ladies??

Then... after I married into the Schenewark family, I learned that my mother-in-law's middle name is Elizabeth... and so was her mom's.

How did YOU celebrate today?

*** HEAD'S UP!!!***

tomorrow is Earmuff's Day, International Fanny Pack Day (c'mon... bust 'em out... you know you want to!), and Genealogy Day

let us know how you celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. I thought I would let you know some more Elizabeth's.

    Jordan Elizabeth Bistline

    Heather Elizabeth Wallace we have always called her Heather Beth

    Emma Elizabeth Riley Wallace

    Martha Elizabeth Simpson VanNoy (Our Grandmother)
    Emma Elizabeth Mitchener VanNoy (Our Great Grandmother on my Grandpa's side)

    So see, you were meant to be in our family. I wonder why my mom never used Elizabeth for Kim or I. I never thought about it.
