Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18th 2010


Do you have Absolutely Incredible Kids??

I hope you celebrated them today!

Today was Absolutely Incredible Kids Day, Awkward Moments Day, and Forgive Mom and Dad Day.

I had my orthodontic appointment this morning and we stayed in Sedalia most of the day getting other "stuff" knocked off of our list. new deep freeze? Check! now we will have room to put the meat when we get our butchered hog. Sooo exciting. (we don't get out much, can you tell??) Anyway... all that to say, Jason dropped me off at my appointment and took the kids with him so Audrey wasn't around to say anything awkward while I had a mouth full of instruments. Why couldn't Awkward Moments Day been yesterday... when Audrey LOUDLY asked me why we were singing about blood in the middle of church last night right as we got done with There Is Power In The Blood. Or the night before when she announced to her brother in the car (while we were driving with my in-laws to supper)... "Levi, I just let a toot quietly."

Since we were "in town" all day, Levi didn't have school. That's celebration enough, right? We took them to chinese buffet for lunch and when we went to The Wal Marts, I let them each buy a $1 chocolate bunny. We even went through the self check aisle so that they could each scan their own goods, feed the money into the machine, and get their own receipts and their own bag. They thought they were so big!

Then at the Dollar Tree (woo doggy we do it up big when we go to town, don't we??) Jason let them each pick out a plastic bat and set of wiffle balls to play with when we got home in this awesome weather. But... along with this awesome weather comes not so awesome things... like the ten+ ticks that I picked off of Levi when they were done playing outside. I guess that's what he gets for crawling under the front porch to retrieve a wiffle ball, huh? Gross.

As for forgiving my mom and dad...

well, I've got pretty great parents. I don't think there's anything I need to forgive them for. maybe my fair freckled skin? Ok, mom, I forgive you for my fair freckled skin. If I think of anything else I'll save it for March 25th... that's "Letting Go of Stuff Day."


*** HEAD'S UP!!! ***

Tomorrow is national Chocolate Caramel Day.


As always... let us know if you celebrate and I'll put it on the blog.

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