Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21st 2010

Well... I skipped blogging yesterday. I had a good reason though. Our power went out because of the blizzard we had yesterday. Yes... you read that right. The day before, the kids got sunburns because the weather was so nice, and the very next day we got 8 inches of snow in a blizzard. Bizzare Missouri weather!

But... I DID celebrate yesterday. It was national Quilting Day!!!

So... I quilted all day. I mean... what else was there to do? We were snowed in!

Here is the progress I have made on my quilt so far:

Those pictures were all taken with my phone so they are dull and don't show the full color, but the colors are pretty vibrant. Lime green

I'm making it in honor of Lymphoma awareness... and I'm hand stitching the whole thing!

Today was national common courtesy day. I hope you were all extra nice to people today.

Tomorrow is international goof off day, and "As Young As You Feel Day"

so take pictures of yourself goofing off, email them to me of post them to the flickr group I've set up... and I'll get you up on the blog!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome. Did you cut those out like that or are they all ironed like that? One of my to-do goals this year is to learn how to quilt!
